Lost on the Moon and Other Tales of Science Fiction

Lost on the Moon and Other Tales of Science Fiction

A unique collection of eleven tales of science fiction


"Lost On The Moon": Boy Scout Jake Tanner is out on the surface of the Moon, working to earn his Merit Badge in Lunar Orienteering. But a broken radio and a simple mistake leaves him lost on the harsh lunar surface, with less than an hour of air remaining...

"The Cross of God": A medieval German knight from the Crusades time travels to the future, where he is shaken to the core by seeing what has happened to his religion's symbol of God.

"The Unplug War": The vicious and destructive war between Man and computer is over, and Mankind is victorious. But one man is uncertain that the war is really over.

"God, No Matter How You Spell It": The Hanoi Flu is spreading across the globe, with a mortality rate approaching 99 percent. But in a remote government laboratory in Maine, a desperate race is underway to make sure intelligent life on Earth is not extinguished.

Plus seven other tales of our possible future, good or bad.

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